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What Behaviors or Signs Might You See in a Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused?

What Behaviors or Signs Might You See in a Child Who Has Been Sexually Abused?

There is no one sign or behavior for absolute proof that sexual abuse has occurred, but it often believed you should consider the possibility of sexual abuse when one or several of these signs or behaviors are present.
Sexual Abuse- What Parents Can Do

Sexual Abuse- What Parents Can Do

Helping Your Child Recover from Abuse.
​​Survivor Resources for Parents of Victims

​​Survivor Resources for Parents of Victims

As a parent, you have an important role in helping your child recover from sexual abuse.
Secondary Victims

Secondary Victims

​If a friend or loved one of yours was assaulted, rob or abused, or was a victim of any crime — you are a secondary victim.

Mental Health Articles

When You Need to Take Time Off Work for Mental Health Reasons

By: Barbara Ricci

Personal health should be a private matter. But when you need to take time off work due to a mental health condition, often it isn’t possible to maintain that privacy. As a board member at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and a former managing director at two global banks (UBS and Deutsche Bank), I’ve been approached by hundreds of colleagues and clients over the past 30 years seeking advice for themselves or a colleague, friend, or family member on how best to manage professional life while dealing with a mental health condition themselves or caring for a loved one who is. Here is what I usually tell them...

When You Can't Put Your Feelings Into Words: The Emotional Ignorance of Alexithymia

By:Stacey Colino

At first blush, it sounds like a scene from a New Yorker cartoon: A psychiatrist asks a patient, "So how are you feeling?" and the patient replies, "I don't know, doc – that's why I'm here." It seems like a joke, but it's not a far-fetched scenario. There's a personality trait, sometimes viewed as a subclinical condition, called alexithymia, which is characterized by an inability to recognize, identify and describe your own emotions...

5 Reasons Sex is Good For You

Sex is probably the one thing that few people struggle to find motivation for. It's certainly not exercise, which we all know is good for us but can be extremely hard to pull off every day. It's more like chocolate or sunshine. More is usually better. But the fact that getting busy is fun may obscure the fact that it actually has tremendous health benefits.
​Sexual healing. It's not just a song. Here are five reasons getting it on is good for your health...

Americans Are More Stressed Than Ever- Here's What To Do

By:Lisa Milbrand

The state of our nation has become the top source of stress in most people's lives—with 63 percent of Americans saying they're worried about our country's future, according to the APA study. That tops the more typical sources of stress in people's lives—money (62 percent) and work (61 percent). "We're seeing significant stress transcending party lines," said Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, APA's chief executive officer, in a release about the research...

How Writing Your To-Do List Down Can Help You Sleep

By:Brett Molina

Thinking of the long lists of tasks we have on our plates might leave most of us anxious. But a study suggests writing them down could help us get some sleep.According to research from Baylor University, people in a research study who wrote down their to-do lists for the next day were able to fall asleep faster...

How 'Effective Communication' Can Help Couples Stop Argue

By: Julie Compton

Anger, resentment and blame. Those are the feelings blogger Raluca Loteanu felt towards her husband in the stress-filled, sleepless months after their son was born.
“I often felt powerless because I had no help, and I felt like I was doing everything alone even though my husband was helping me,” Loteanu tells NBC News BETTER. “So I was struggling to find a balance, and it was harder than I imagined before having a baby.”